2007-03-21 10:34:11 UTC
恩=''=我朋友不會用PTT 要我幫忙問的 如果太低級 請各位見諒@@
(Print distinct numbers)
Write a program that reads in ten numbers and displays distinct numbers
(i.e.,if a numbers appears multiple times,it is displayed only once).
Hint:Read a number and store it to an array if it is new.If the number
is already in the array,discard it.After the input,the array contains
the distinct numbers.
麻煩各位大大解答一下囉~~~~因為我才大一 只有學過C++ 所以沒辦法幫我朋友解答@@
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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(Print distinct numbers)
Write a program that reads in ten numbers and displays distinct numbers
(i.e.,if a numbers appears multiple times,it is displayed only once).
Hint:Read a number and store it to an array if it is new.If the number
is already in the array,discard it.After the input,the array contains
the distinct numbers.
麻煩各位大大解答一下囉~~~~因為我才大一 只有學過C++ 所以沒辦法幫我朋友解答@@
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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